DT144G Web Application Security
You will find the study guide here
This guide covers the entire course, all reading instructions are found there.
You find the lecture slides below.
The reading instructions to cover each lecture are found in the study guide above.
- Introduction to Security
- Foundations of Security
- Identification and Authentication
- Information Theory
- Cryptographic Mechanisms, Part I
- Cryptographic Mechanisms, Part II
- Secure Protocols
- Security Usability
- Access Control
- Reference Monitors
- Accountability and Non-Repudiation
- Software Security
- Database Security
The slides of the workshops in the course can be found below.
What they cover in detail can be found in the study guide above.
- Sensitive Data Exposure
- Broken Authentication and Session Management
- Missing Function-Level Access Control
- Injection Attacks and Cross-Site Scripting
- Cross-Site Request Forgery
- Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
- Security Misconfiguration and Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
The following labs are recommended for practice, but are not mandatory during the course.
- L1 Privacy of Communication
- L2 Network Intrusion Detection
- L3 Host-Based Intrusion Detection
- L4 Password Cracking and Social Engineering
- L5 Denial of Service Attacks (in Swedish)
The course is examined through a project.
The instruction can be found here
However, to hand it in and to get credits for this you need to be a registered student on the course.
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